Let's talk about Ananias.
He is only brought up once in Acts 9:10-19.
The Lord called him to meet with Saul. Now at that time Ananias did not know that Saul had a revelation from Jesus. To Ananias, Saul was a murderer who killed people who believed Jesus was the Messiah (Christians), which was him!
At first he questioned the Lord. Acts 9:13-14
Went more like: Are you serious?! You do know this is the man who KILLED people like me! Your people!
You knew he was scared. You can feel his FEAR in those scriptures.
Let's take a step back.
This average man, who is only mentioned once in the bible, is supposed to talk to the biggest murderer of all time. I bet he was thinking, 'umm where is Peter?'
The Lord knew his heart because He responded back in Acts 9:15-16 saying "Go, for Saul is my chosen instrument to take my message to the Gentiles and to kings, as well as to the people of Israel. 16 And I will show him how much he must suffer for my name’s sake.”
When the Lord responded back, He never once said don't worry Saul is a believer now! Go on. You will be fine.
IN THE MIDST OF FEAR, Ananias surrendered to God and decided to meet Saul. He then laid hands on Saul to have his eye sight restored. Ananias was part of God's plan. Ananias was the start of Paul's journey of becoming the man who wrote a third of the New Testament.
What is holding you back from doing God's will? Are you brave enough to step out of your comfort zone to do His will?