My husband and I started to pray about what we wanted to do with our family time now that our daughter was more active. It became a quick decision to start our family journeys by visiting the outdoors.

My husband and I had a dream to visit all the Florida State Parks and Florida Springs, while we were dating and wayyy before we had children. So having to start our adventure by visiting the outdoors was a no brainer. We started by visiting the Bulow Plantation Ruins Historic State Park.
“The 150 acres of Bulow Plantation Ruins stand as a monument to the rise and fall of sugar plantations of East Florida.”
The Arrival
I wanted to start this blog by giving a metaphor of how the park was but I can't compare the experience with the right words. Before entering the park, you drive down on a dirt road big enough for one vehicle. A little "off road" experience you might say. By the time you get to the entrance your car is dusty from the dirt and does require an entrance fee of $4 by using the honor system.
When we finally get out of the car you start to see glimpses of what used to be the plantation ruins as well as the Bulow creek waterway, where you find out that is how the plantations receive and trade goods. It is truly an unique park and great source to learn more about our history here in Florida.
The Hike
When we pick parks we have to choose those that is an easy hike for our daughter who is still a toddler, also careful of choosing hikes that we know would have a great deal of mosquitoes since Florida is the birthplace of mosquitoes. (A joke, not a true fact.)
This is the perfect place to hike when you have children under the age of 5.
The hike is not a far hike, maybe less than a mile to the ruins and you get the ability to choose to hike to the ruins or drive there, which is why I give it a 5 out of 5 for family friendly parks.
The Plantation Ruins
It was a wonderful site to see of what was left over from the sugar mill. It has history descriptions that reads to you all around the mill. My son just couldn't get enough of this massive structure and the history that goes with it. He kept running around and saying what's this daddy?, daddy look at this!, daddy, I want to go down this path! The consistency of curiosity hit him that day.
I don't want to say too much about the experience because I want you to experience it as well.
One last thing...
Don't forget to slow down and enjoy the presence of exploration.